This guide will show you how to set up your own Facebook account.

To start, open your browser and navigate to This will take you to the FB home login page. Here you can enter your details as instructed and click on the green “Sign Up” button. Please remember your password as you will use it when you wish to login to FB again.

You will then be taken to a page that will ask if you wish to add friends via your email account. You don’t have to do this; you can skip it by simply clicking on the “Next” button. By adding your email address, FB will search your Contacts in that email account and look for those addresses in FB. If someone is registered under that address in your Contacts, it will send them a friend request.

Upon clicking “Next” you will be taken to a page where at the top it will ask you to confirm your email address.

You now need to navigate to your inbox using a separate window/tab. You should have received an email from FB with the title “Just one more step to get started on Facebook”.

Upon opening this email, you will see some text along with a large, blue button saying “Confirm Your Account” as well as your confirmation code in a small grey box. Please make note of this code as you may need it.

Upon clicking “Confirm Your Account” you will be taken to your FB page and a message will pop up confirming your account and login email address. You can now click on “Ok” to close this box.

Congratulations! You have now created your own Facebook page!

To login to your FB account, simply go to and enter your email address and password you used when you signed up, then click the “Log In” button.