In order to ensure you have completed your video lesson and receive credit for doing so, please follow these steps. 

1. Go into the lesson you would like to mark as complete. For this example, we will be using Pillar 1 Week 1.

2. Inside of the lesson, click "Start Lesson" at the top of the page. If the lesson is already open, the button will be gold and clickable.

3. Your first video in the lesson will now appear. When you have finished watching the videos, click the checkmark to the right of the video. When you do so, it will turn green.

4. Do this for each video in the lesson, when you click the checkmark at the end of the last video, you will see the below page, noting that you have completed the lesson. You may fill out the survey if you wish; otherwise, scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Continue to Next Lesson".