Students have the option to leave a review for their Skills Lab partner when submitting a Skills Lab proof. This review will then be visible to your partner, who has the option to publish it to their profile page. To leave a review, please follow these steps. 

1. After completing your Skills Lab, click the Navigation Menu in the top left corner of your Access account and click "Learning".

2. On the next page, click the "Skills Labs" tab at the top.

3. From there, scroll down below the lab instructions and click the "Submit Proof" tab.

4. Begin filling out your Skills Lab proof. When you get to the question "Optionally, would you like to write a positive review for your partner?", click "Yes" and a box will appear below for you to submit your review.

5. When finished writing your review, continue answering all questions in the Skills Lab proof. After answering the last question, click "Submit" at the bottom of the page to complete.

You should now be all set and your partner will receive a notification that you have left a review.